At Sleeping with Jacques, our company culture values human rights, respect and integrity above all. We have zero tolerance of any form of slavery.

Modern slavery is the severe exploitation of people for personal or commercial gain. This includes the use of coercion or violence to recruit workers, forced or bonded labour, descent-based labour, child labour or any behaviour that undermines the freedoms or rights of a human being.

We acknowledge and understand that the fashion industry is the second largest modern slavery industry in the world.

As a business that is part of this industry, we believe it is our responsibility to have full transparency within our supply chains; and to actively work towards eliminating the risks of modern slavery.

 Our due diligence practice undergoes a vetting process to ensure that our stakeholders share our values and beliefs regarding modern slavery practices in order to begin and continue business relationships.

We have contractual agreements with out stakeholders to ensure that our values and beliefs align; that our strict guidelines and standards are met; and that accountability is taken for actions. 

This statement is to inform our customers, stakeholders and supply chain members of our code of conduct to ensure that our business and supply chain align with our company culture on ethics, environment and our community.